Toronto Theft Lawyer

Toronto theft lawyer theft under $5000 shoplifting

Toronto Theft Lawyer

What is Theft?

Theft is a type of property offence that covers a variety of illegal acts, including shoplifting or taking the personal property of a friend, family member, stranger or company without their consent.

Most theft investigations occur at the request of the victim who has discovered the theft. They would call the police and report the incident. In some cases, the alleged thief may even be present at the scene, as is the case with many shoplifting situations. If the perpetrator of the theft is not present, police will likely access security footage or other records to find out who committed the offence.

What happens if I am charged with theft?

After the police have gathered their evidence, they will arrest you if they believe you are the perpetrator. If you are not present at the scene, police will eventually track you down or issue a warrant for your arrest.

After you have been charged, you need to contact Michael Juskey immediately. Depending on the value of the theft, Crown will want to move the case through the courts quickly as it is not considered a major crime. Michael will be able to offer you options based on the evidence.

Your first conversation with Michael with be a no charge strategy session. You will learn how the legal system works and what options may be available to you.

How do I beat a theft charge?

When it comes to theft, every situation is unique. How much was the value of the theft? Was it a first offence? Were there unusual circumstances? These are some of the questions that need to be asked to understand what options are available to you.

Possible defences could be based on the concept that you believed the item was always yours. In other cases, returning the item or financially compensating the victim may be sufficient to avoid a criminal record.


Are you Facing Criminal Charges?